Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy which takes a ‘whole person’ approach to reducing our patient’s pain and improving overall health. At North Canberra Osteo, that includes breast care. Our osteopath Rea Braun has a special interest in women’s health and has undergone further training in how to care for patients during and after breast cancer. 

What does a new patient appointment for breast cancer care entail? 

  • Medical history – a discussion regarding your case with specific questioning around your breast cancer and any interventions which have occurred. 
  • Informed consent – Rea will talk with you about a plan for the session and make sure you’re informed, comfortable and happy to have treatment. 
  • Physical assessment – assessing upper body movement as well as directly examining the breast. This is when hands-on work begins, assessing scars, mobility, adhesions, contraction, upper body movement, swelling and more. 
  • Treatment – improving movement in the upper body and in the breast, reducing swelling, minimising pain and pull around scars. 
  • Management – take home advice and further discussion about a management plan for future treatments. 

What sort of things can Rea help treat?

  • Post-lumpectomy/wide excision and post-mastectomy pain 
  • Cording and armpit stiffness 
  • Capsular contraction 
  • Shoulder pain and arm movement restriction 
  • Mobility around scars 
  • Fibrosis, seroma, and induration management 
  • Oedema and lymphoedema management 

Rea works at North Canberra Osteopathy on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

To book in an initial consultation with Rea to improve your breast care and recovery: Tel: 02 6249 7541

Or book online: www.northcanberraosteopathy.com.au

We’re located at the Hackett Shops in Canberra’s inner north.

If you have any questions, feel free to email Rea at rea@northcanberraosteopathy.com.au